Forest Music Renewal Open

We are very pleased to announce our new location!
It is as convenient as our previous location and we have an even bigger room so that we are equipped with a new grand piano to open piano lessons. Vocal, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Guitar lessons are available in English. Piano lessons are available in French.

We all are very much looking forward to providing lessons at the new studios and welcoming new students and even teachers of new instruments!
Please join us for the free trial lessons of all musical instruments we have. We will be looking forward to seeing you there!

(日本語) コンサートのお知らせ

(日本語) 6月17日(土)19時より【めぐろパーシモンホール小ホール】にて、講師陣によるヴァイオリン、オーボエ、ピアノのコンサートを開催します。チケットのご用命はご氏名と枚数をご明記のこちらまで。